MEDUZA ‘banned in Russia but here for you’


RIGHT NOW by Mirolyubivnoye Morye

   Prisoners of conscience in the hands of bandits and thieves
   Order will be disturbed in reality, not in dreams
   The force of pressure will push the spring of freedom

   Peace to all, not war
   In 100 years, instead of thorns and soot, we will see stars.

Right Now is a new song by Russian rockers Mirolyubivnoye Morye, who now live in the Georgian capital of Tbilisi, where they are not affected by Russia’s censorship laws imposed since the invasion of Ukrainian started.

“We can come and give concerts, sing our own songs in our own language and no one tells us not to,” said band member Yevgeny Chuvilin. 

The band are among an estimated 80,000 Russians who have moved to Georgia. “We are more united because of the war,” Pavel – another band member – explained. “We all came to a new country, everyone is in the same boat; we have all left home, everyone is trying to recreate their own worlds from zero, and people help each other.”

The relocation has offered both hope and uncertainty, but Pavel is upbeat and optimistic: “I don’t know what will happen tomorrow. Who could have imagined we would survive two years of a pandemic, and then there would be a war? I am going to live life, do what I like; write songs, perform concerts, be with friends. In these times you can’t be alone.”

(Sourced from The Moscow Times. Independent News from Russia. Band photo by Anna Perelygina)

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