Late Night Jazz Session in the Elgar Room

‘A master of harmony, he possesses a potent and compelling improviser’s intellect.’
Sophie Parkin, 3:AM Magazine

Late Night Jazz Session in the Elgar Room of Royal Albert Hall from 9.30 till 11.15, by Michael Horovitz, Peter Lemer, Vanessa Vie and Annie Whitehead

On Thursday 16th November Michael Horovitz’s Jazz Poetry SuperJam will bring to the Elgar Room solo & duo performances by songpoet musician Vanessa Vie ( & bebop troubadour Horovitz ( Vanessa & Michael will soon be issuing their first joint CD & booklet, ‘Lyrical Soulmates’. The cabaret will also project extended jamming by the William Blake Klezmatrix Band, which will on this occasion consist of Peter Lemer’s scintillating pianistics (  Annie Whitehead’s expressionist trombone & vocals (, & Horovitz’s anglo-saxophone. As well as original settings of Blake’s lyrics, the band will perform a diversity of jazzpoems, soundpoems, Klezmer & other folk music & song, plus blues, calypso & original jazz compositions & improvisations. Danah Zohar wrote in Streetlife that a previous SuperJam was “. . . to be entertained at a party of best friends by a limitlessly talented group of artists”.


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