It’s a disgrace: the UK Government is still blocking attempts to legally protect animal welfare in trade deals.

Under relentless pressure from Compassion supporters, other campaigners, and the House of Lords, the Government has committed to increase parliamentary scrutiny of new free trade agreements.

Yet it refuses to require, by law, that food imports meet British animal welfare standards.

We cannot allow the UK to import cruelty.

You’ve already signed our open letter to the UK Government – thank you so much. Now, please will you ask your family and friends to join you?

If you haven’t already done so, please share ciwf.org.uk/Protect-Animals or use the buttons. Every signature counts.

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Thank you so much for helping to protect animal welfare standards, through Brexit and beyond.

With best wishes,

James West

James West
Senior Policy Manager

PS: With the end of the EU transition period fast approaching, and the UK Government keen to secure a trade deal with new US President-elect Biden, it is crucial we speak up for animals now. Please spread the word using ciwf.org.uk/Protect-Animals today.



By Heidi Stephenson

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